The holidays are the perfect time to reflect upon our blessings and to share our goodwill with the less fortunate. Today our topic is the …
Remote work and Teleworking Employee Checklist
Are you a work from home employee holding down a remote job? Has your supervisor provided you with ample guidance on what to do and …
Remote Work Legal Claims Fear of Firing and Return to Office
The exuberant joy of working from home has been replaced by the dreaded fear of getting fired for not adhering to return to office directives. …
Maximizing Remote Team Effectiveness: Tools and Tactics for Success
In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern work, where digital connectivity reigns supreme, the allure of remote working offers both unparalleled freedom and unique challenges. …
Video What NOT to wear to work GREY Search Remotely
Video What NOT to wear RED Search Remotely
Video What NOT to wear BROWN Search Remotely
Video What NOT to wear BLACK Search Remotely
Twitter outperforms for job seekers and online business despite negativity
Statista estimates global usage of social media to be around 143 minutes or 2.38 hours per day. This is a reduction from last year’s peak …
6 remote work tips and apps to prevent Ecommerce overspending when working from home
If you are like me you probably find yourself overspending on Ecommerce sites when working from home. You can imagine there are several connections between …
Fear of failure and success are connected when work from home
Looking at the world around us, one thinks about the political candidates across the globe who have narrowly won or lost elections to lead their …
4 Essential Health Apps for Remote Workers
Working from home offers many benefits, including convenience, greater flexibility, and reduced costs. However, remote work also has its downsides. Health experts have expressed concerns …