FAQ- How to Enroll in Online Courses. SearchRemotely.Com
You can enroll in our in-house online courses in two ways:
Option 1
- Visit http://searchremotely.com
- Go to the top tool bar. Click “Online Courses”
Option 2
- Type this url address in your browser http://onlinecourses.searchremotely.com
Online Courses- Screen 2 Search Remotely
- The page you will see is the image above
- Scroll down to select your preferred course. You will see the “Add to Cart” section. DO NOT USE “Add to Cart” payment option. Please scan the courses only, but skip the “Add to Cart” option
- Scroll to the next section and SELECT “Quick Checkout” Once again, DO NOT USE “ADD TO CART”
- Why? You will either need to enter your “User Name” and “Password” for http://onlinecourses.searchremotely.com or you will need to “Register Now” as a “New User” to the “onlinecourses.searchremotely.com” academy
Our developers will be solving the technical issue shortly.
- To avoid the Step #5 issue, please enter “Quick Checkout”
- You will be taken to a “Cart” page like this example
- After selecting course(s), “Proceed to Checkout” as above
- You will be taken to the “Checkout” page, see below
- After you have entered your details, (street address, email address and phone) you will need to click “create account” AND affirm to the “Terms and Conditions” then click “Place Order”
- Now you are at student “Dashboard” page
Online Courses- Screen 8 Search Remotely You will see your enrolled courses, click “Start Learning” to begin
- Now, you may download the mp4 audio/video/pdf related to your course by clicking “Download”
Online Courses- Screen 9 Search Remotely You will be taken to a Google Drive where you can download the course materials
- If you have any problems with these instructions for payment and/or downloading the course materials, contact:
info@searchremotely.com OR tonya@ishareknowledge.com
- Please allow 24 hours for us to contact you (please provide your email address and phone number).
- As courtesy for visiting our site, paying for our in-house online course, and enrolling in our in-house online academy, we will give you two additional courses (buy 1 get two free) just for reading this document related specifically to our in-house online academy and being patient during our technical dilemma.
Thanks for enrolling in our Online Academy at Onlinecourses.SearchRemotely.Com